Advanced Conditional Logic for Gravity Forms

4.71 out of 5
(7 customer reviews)


Adds Advanced Conditional Logic features to Gravity Forms, including multiple groups of logic, a “Does NOT Contain” operator, and “In CSV” and “Not in CSV” operators.

The licence purchase period is one year, with subsequent renewals of the licence being offered at a discounted rate.



  • Add “Does NOT Contain” operator for both standard and advanced conditional logic *NEW*
  • Use Advanced Conditional Logic to show/hide the Next button on multi page forms.
  • Use Advanced Conditional Logic to show/hide the form submit button.
  • Use Advanced Conditional Logic to determine which confirmation to show after right after form submission.
  • Use Advanced Conditional Logic with notifications.
  • Enable Advanced Logic rules to show/hide individual form fields.
  • Field logic works with most plugins that rely on Gravity Forms standard Conditional Logic.
  • Back-end Validation, Confirmations and Notifications obey Advanced Logic rules.
  • Unlimited updates for a year

Minimum Requirements:

  • WordPress 6.4+
  • GravityForms v2.7+(ACL2.0+ will not work work on older versions of gravityforms)
  • PHP 8+ required (PHP5.4 not supported)

This plugin is based on work done by Gravity Perks, and requires Gravity Forms installed and a valid license in order to work properly.

Advanced Conditional Logic

Have you ever been using Gravity Forms’ built-in conditional logic and felt like something was lacking? We noticed that too, so we’ve created an advanced logic engine that extends the default capabilities exponentially. Finally you can exert your logical superpowers and create advanced forms with complex routing!

Some of the awesome enhancements we’ve added include:

The ability to use multiple groups of conditional logic for fields, confirmations, and even notifications!
A “Does NOT Contain” operator for both standard and advanced conditional logic.
“In CSV” and “Not in CSV” operators for quickly checking if a value is one of multiple options, saving precious time.
The ability to compare one field to another field as part of your logic rules with the field comparison extension.
Advanced logic that works with other Gravity Forms add-ons, such as Gravity Flow, Paypal, and Webhooks using the ACL Feeds Extension.

On this page:

Getting Started

First install, enable, and activate the plugin.

Any existing Conditional Logic in forms will remain unaffected by this plugin being activated.

Using Advanced Conditional Logic

Once the Advanced Conditional Logic plugin has been activated, a new Field ADVANCED Logic flyout section will appear in the field settings:

You will then have access to the advanced logic operators within this flyout panel:

Multiple groups of logic

A key feature of Advanced Conditional Logic is to enable the use of multiple groups of logic on a single field, removing the need to duplicate fields for different logic scenarios:

Notifications and Confirmations

You can use Advanced Conditional Logic on both notifications and confirmations. A checkbox allowing you to enable this will show up at the bottom of the notification or confirmation settings page.

Please note that Advanced Conditional Logic is not available to use on the default confirmation. A new/custom confirmation will need to be created in order to use Advanced Conditional Logic on a confirmation.

Advanced operators

"In CSV" and "Not in CSV" operators

Use these operators when you want to check if a value is one of multiple options. Just enter a list of Comma Separated Values to check for (e.g: "val1, val2, val3, val4, etc").

These operators require an exact match and are case sensitive. I.e. in the following example, the field will only show if the user's first name is entered as John or Dave (but will not show for john or dave).

"Does Not Contain" Operator

Use this operator to match when a field should not contain a specified string.

What does "!!!" mean?

Sometimes we set the choices for a field(fieldA), then we make another field (fieldB) conditional on fieldA. Some time later, we might change the options on fieldA, which breaks the logic for fieldB. If you were to open fieldB with advanced conditional logic, you'd see "!!!", which would tell you that the fieldA no longer has the original option. Unless you're doing something clever, like generating FieldA's choices dynamically, then the rule on fieldB will probably never match. You'll want to update the rule to point to an option that actually exists.

Nested Conditional Logic

Nested conditional logic occurs when the conditional logic for a particular field is based on another field that also has conditional logic applied to it.

Although nested logic is possible, Gravity Forms does not officially support nested logic, meaning that there are some limitations and recommendations to be aware of. Since Advanced Conditional Logic extends the default logic engine, these considerations may also apply when using our plugin.

Please see this Gravity Forms documentation page for more details. Most notably, it lists three scenarios where nested conditional logic may behave unexpectedly:

  • When the conditional field has a default value
  • When the conditional field is dynamically populated
  • When the conditional field is a Drop Down and does not use a placeholder.

To put it another way, Nested conditional logic will work if the conditional field:

  • Does not have a default value.
  • Is not dynamically populated.
  • If the field is a Drop Down, it uses a placeholder.

v2.4.0 - 05/03/2025

  • Support new multiple choice and image choice fields released in Gravity Forms 2.9
  • Correct issue impacting front end for users of less than operator
  • Prompt users to upgrade to Gravity Forms 2.8 or later
  • Tweak status indicator styling
  • Fix a few PHP warnings

v2.3.0 - 04/06/2024

  • Fix status indicator CSS
  • Use plugin version in script urls for cache busting

v2.2.1 - 06/04/2024

  • Only init ACL for relevant forms
  • Convert field ID's to strings for field comparison logic (fix fatal JS error)
  • Fix for multiple forms on single page

v2.2.0 - 27/03/2024

  • Fix issues with Page Conditional Logic

v2.1.0 - 19/12/2023

  • Fix compatibility issues with Gravity Forms 2.8
  • Fix standard conditional logic active indicator

v2.0.3 - 04/07/2023

  • Fix issue with fatal error when using GravityView

v2.0.2 - 25/05/2023

  • Fix 'invalid headers present' error during fresh install on WordPress

v2.0.1 - 25/05/2023

  • Fix issue with Rules editor not saving in settings with SCRIPT_DEBUG set to false
  • Serve JS files from CDN

v2.0.0 - 20/05/2023

  • Increase Minimum GF Version to 2.7
  • Rewrite logic processor using new GravityForms hooks for increased performance and more robust logic checking
  • Cache placeholder logic when saving forms rather than when loading them
  • Rewrite front-end UI and embed in Flyout
  • Add support for extensions (field comparison extension, and feeds extension)

v1.9.5 - 20/05/2023

  • Prepare Updater for for release of v2.0
  • Only allow automatic updates after minimum requirements for next version are met

v1.9.4 - 10/01/2021

  • Fix 'undefined' labels when using standard logic in form settings

v1.9.3 - 19/11/2021

  • Fix issues with licensing
  • Fix bugs in GF2.4 and GF2.5
  • Run tests with PHP8.0 and fix bugs

v1.9.2 - 30/06/2021

  • Improve reliability of rule evaluation when using GF v2.4.22 or later

v1.9.1 - 08/06/2021

  • Fix editor display issues in GF 2.5

v1.9.0 - 10/05/2021

  • Add support for Gravity Forms v2.5

v1.8.12 - 19/02/2021

  • Bump version for issue with admin editor JS caching

v1.8.11 - 14/02/2021

  • Add 'not contains' operator
  • Display links to other fields when other fields depend on a selected field for conditional logic (supports both standard and advanced logic)

v1.8.10 - 02/07/2020

  • Fix 'undefined index' notices during form submission

v1.8.9 - 15/05/2020

  • Invalidate browser cache for editor JS by including plugin version in url

v1.8.8 - 14/05/2020

  • Strip HTML out of choice labels by default

v1.8.7 - 13/04/2020

  • Add support for Gravity Perks - Date Conditional Logic

v1.8.6 - 12/04/2020

  • Fix issue with confirmations not always evaluating correctly
  • Add support for GravityView's Edit Entry page

v1.8.5 - 11/03/2020

  • Fix warning when form object is missing 'fields' array

v1.8.4 - 20/12/2019

  • Remove dev messages from JS console.

v1.8.3 - 16/12/2019

  • Fix issue advanced Form Button logic not being evaluated during form submission

v1.8.2 - 31/10/2019

  • Fix issue with Standard Next-Button Logic being overwritten

v1.8.1 - 30/10/2019

  • Fix fatal error when network unavailable during upgrade checks

v1.8 - 27/09/2019

  • Show/hide NEXT button on multi-page forms
  • Embed Vue library for more reliable admin editor

v1.7 - 24/09/2019

  • Add support for "in CSV", and "not in CSV" operators for comparing against a list of comma-separated values (e.g. 123, 234, 345 - without quotes)
  • Fix --or-- divider not showing on admin editor when 'no-conflict' scripts enabled in Gravity Forms settings

v1.6 - 09/09/2019

  • Add support for Form's Submit Button
  • Add support for multi-part fields. e.g. "Address (Street 1)", "Address (City)", etc
  • Fix issue with notifications sending in reverse (acting like 'hide' instead of 'show')
  • Rewrite logic editor for admin screens for greater stability

v1.5.2 - 03/09/2019

  • Fix conflict with Gutenberg Bock Editor

v1.5 - 26/08/2019

  • Setup automated updates
  • Display admin notice when using an unsupported version of Gravity Forms
  • Fix issues with 'hide' logic. Including an issue where required fields in hidden sections were preventing form submission

v1.4 - 12/06/2019

  • Fix incompatibility issue with coupon addon
  • Tidy up field editor styling
  • Fix issue where "blank" conditions were interfering with standard conditional logic

v1.3.7 - 27/04/2019

  • Fix issue with "((blank))" options not working properly with checkboxes
  • Fix JS issue where front-end logic doesn't work if core gForms JS is loaded in the footer

v1.3.6 - 16/04/2019

  • Fix "jQuery not defined errors" in JS console
  • Fix Product logic not viewing properly on admin View Entry page
  • Fix JS conflicts when using GP Nested Forms

v1.3.5 - 08/03/2019

  • Add support for placeholder text as an option with dropdowns

v1.3.4 - 04/03/2019

  • Add support for ((blank)) choice when selecting values of dropdowns, checkboxes, and radio buttons
  • Add exclamation marks to highlight values that have changed from the original target field choices.

v1.3.3 - 10/02/2019

  • Fix compatibility with processing merge tags from entries after initial form submission (notifications, confirmations, GFCommon::replace_variables() calls, etc)

v1.3.2 - 08/02/2019

  • Fix issue with hidden fields appearing in {all_fields} merge tag

v1.3.1 - 05/02/2019

  • Fix issue with JS Output interfering with some REST Requests

v1.3 - 04/02/2019

  • Fix issue with incorrect validation of required fields

v1.2.2 - 21/12/2018

  • Refactor and improve compatibility with back-end rules processing
  • Fix JS display issues in form editor
  • Performance Improvements

v1.1 - 20/12/2018

v1.0 - 18/12/2018

  • Add support for advanced logic for Notifications. Yay!

v0.5 - 17/12/2018

  • Add support for advanced logic for Confirmations. Yay!
  • Tested on:
    • WordPress v5.0.1
    • GravityForms v2.4.3

v0.4.1 - 22/11/2018

  • Display Admin Labels for field selection when applicable

v0.4 - 17/07/2018

v0.3.2 - 28/06/2018

  • Fix standard conditional logic rules being erased when Advanced Logic plugin enabled

v0.3.1 - 31/05/2018

  • Remove dangling rules in standard Conditional Logic form editor when unchecking Advanced Conditional Logic

v0.3 - 31/05/2018

  • Change rule value field to free text in form editor when comparing non-selection fields.

v0.2 - 2017

  • Evaluate ALL rules, instead of only first rule
  • Evaluate rules when doing back-end validation so errors aren't thrown for "required" fields when hidden

v0.1 - 2017

  • Initial codebase pulled from GitHub - Thanks GravityWiz!

7 reviews for Advanced Conditional Logic for Gravity Forms

  1. 4 out of 5

    pascalegli23 (verified owner)

    does what it should. I recommend. the code quality can be improved though.

  2. 5 out of 5

    Brandon Mitchell

    Great product and great response from developer! Keep on making great improvements!

  3. 5 out of 5

    Vfarmernssl (verified owner)

    WORKS. So grateful!

  4. 5 out of 5 (verified owner)

    Great plugin – high value! Keep doing awesome updated and I will keep up my subscription.

  5. 4 out of 5

    Sven Adam (verified owner)

    Works great with fields. One improvement suggestion though: Add advanced conditional logic to the submit button’s conditional logic, too.

  6. 5 out of 5

    Michael Hüthig (verified owner)

    Perfect! In addition it would be good to have the function to change a value of a textfield based on conditional logic.

  7. 5 out of 5

    Radley Sustaire (verified owner)

    Seems to work great so far! I was worried because we have more than 50 forms, but thankfully the previous conditional logic is not affected once the plugin is installed.

    There’s an additional checkbox to use advanced logic, so you can still use the default conditional logic unless you need the advanced logic.

    The styling is not great, but easy to fix if you’re good with CSS and only affects the backend anyway.

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